Monday, June 4, 2012

Day 31 - Little Jimmy campground - mile 384

Cold, windy and sunny.  Clouds still pushing over the crest but weather improving.
Saw lots of runners today.  The parking lot for Baden-Powell was busy.  Saw a bus load of hikers arrive and hit the trail.  There must have been 30 in number.
When 2 attractive female runners came up in t-shirts and shorts, I knew it was time to take off the down coat and start up the mountain.
3.7 miles later I was standing at the top sharing a summit beer with Inspector G, Hop-a-long, Veggie, Shags, Bolts, and Dead Animal.  I also met Sparrow and Barracuda, a mother and 7 year old son.  He is attempting to be the youngest person to do the trail.  He even made sure I had enough water for the next stretch.  He is very intelligent.
I saw Natty back on the trail.  He had to get off trail to attend a funeral. 
Good hiking day.  It's so nice to be in the mountains.


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